Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Right Now

Hi! My Name is Andy Rausch. I want to begin by telling you that I love Jesus or that I am saved by his grace of which I do and am, but just saying those words does not describe the depth of what those words mean on a soul that has been and is being transformed.  My life is Jesus, simply because He came in it, and showed me something that I could not live without. So I follow Him, I make mistakes, I struggle, and I have victory. In This blog I will try and capture those moments with words, to help you and me understand Him and how He works in our lives.

Currently I live in Colorado Springs, Colorado, I am an architectural intern with a ministry called Engineering Ministries International (eMi) and I love it! I have spent the past month going through an amazing orientation program and preparing to leave to South Africa on my assigned project trip. My project leader, Gary, and I will meet with five other individuals with varying disciplines and design a masterplan and the first phase of construction for a church located in a very rural area of South Africa near Durban. As James 4:13-17 says were are not to boast in our arrogance, and really planning out tomorrow and the future of our lives says that I want control, and that I am not willing to let God guide my life. Therefore I am not building up expectations for this and that, or making many plans to do this or see that, I am trying to let go of those thoughts and just simply be where I am at, love people and love God the best that I can.